Pre-Employment Screening
Let us help you with pre-employment screening
If you require medical information on a potential employee, then we are able to provide our specialist service to ensure there are no pre-existing medical issues.
Our main purpose is to act on behalf of businesses to ensure the management and authenticity of their employees all add up. We will provide you with the relevant information of any pre-existing medical issues which could affect their employment into the company, fitness for work and could require adjustments/adaptations to be made.
Why choose us?
Here at Infinity Occupational Health we will work with the needs of your business and be flexible to suit your requirements. We work quickly, and we always aim to be quicker in delivering our results than what other companies would.
Our emphasis is on providing clear and concise occupational health advice. By achieving this aim, we will make no mistakes and can carefully assess yours or your employees’ situation effectively.
To speak to us about this or any of our other services, take a look around our website where you can also arrange a remote consultation.