We only provide consultations with senior occupational physicians. This provides the ability to assess any medical problem effectively, reducing the number of followup consultations or queries.
Clinic appointments are sometimes necessary when a physical examination is needed. We can also provide home visits in certain circumstances where it would be essential to see a person face-to-face, and they are not well enough to travel to an assessment.
We offer nationwide appointments either in our clinics or with affiliate physicians who have been carefully sourced for experience and quality.
To maintain consistency, all final reports which are sent to the employer are written by one of our senior occupational physician team.
Our aim is to provide clear and definitive guidance and to outline what problems are medical and which problems are not, to allow the employer to manage the case appropriately while considering the impact of any medical issues and to meet legislative requirements.
Our management advice will include a clear summary of the critical medical information which is suitable for managers and employees to understand. This includes:
Discussion of fitness for work and the relevant medical issues
Relevant timeframes for a return to work if applicable
Advice regarding legislation pertinent to help support the employer meet requirements
Information regarding adjustments and a rehabilitation recovery plan
Details about any work-related issues and the impact on the medical problem
Answers to any specific questions asked by the manager or employee